$400m National Active Transportation Fund Announcement

The Government of Canada has announced $400 million for Canada’s first active transportation fund, and the development of Canada’s first National Active Transportation Strategy.

2021 Memorial Drive allocated lane. Temporary solutions for permanent issues need to be addressed. However, connectivity is also critically needed.

What is Active Transportation?

Active transportation refers to the movement of people or goods powered by human activity. Active transportation includes walking, cycling and the use of human-powered or hybrid mobility aids such as wheelchairs, scooters, e-bikes, rollerblades, snowshoes and cross-country skis.

What is Active Transportation Infrastructure?

Active transportation infrastructure refers to physical structures and the built environment that support active transportation, such as pathways, bike lanes, multi-use trails and widened sidewalks. The most effective active transportation infrastructure provides a complete network that allows users to safely move through their communities and between destinations, from main streets to schools, parks, public transit hubs and residential neighbourhoods.

Click here to read more about this https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/trans/active-actif-eng.html

So what’s next?

Minister McKenna and Parliamentary Secretary Fillmore have also launched stakeholder engagement for Canada’s first Active Transportation Strategy. The strategy will be informed by input from the public and key stakeholders including provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous communities and not-for-profit organizations and businesses.

So what about Calgary?

Well whilst we deconstruct this announcement, we are expecting to be invited to the round-table discussions for our region shortly. The question is, what would best serve the communities of Calgary for funding?

Tell us what you think through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Strava team, LinkedIn or our website. You can also contact us through email at connect@bikecalgary.org

2 thoughts on “$400m National Active Transportation Fund Announcement

  • 2wheeler

    How could a National plan best serve Calgarians? Plan to incorporate active transportation between communities like Calgary and Canmore and Banff. The trans Canada Trail is a start but doesn’t really help much with cycling. It would be great if designated highways and roads could have designated active transportation corridors.

    • Pete Spearing

      Hi. This is a National Plan with a Provincial delivery is our current feel. We are mobilizing to make sure Alberta (but more to the point Calgary!) is represented and advocates for a share. Lots to do and if you can help in any way, please let us know!

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