The City of Calgary is seeking feedback on a proposed complete street (including cycle track!) along 2nd St SW through Mission and the Beltline. Now is the time to get involved and let the City know what you think!
The Project
Initially, the City had planned a painted bike lane along 2nd St, but thanks to feedback received, the City went back to the drawing board and created this updated plan for a physically separated cycle track on 2nd St all the way from the Elbow River to 10th Ave SW. This change in design means the project will create a critical All Ages & Abilities cycling link through this important area. The plan includes a poured concrete barrier, dashed green pavement at potential conflict zones, bicycle signals at signalized intersections, curb bulb outs and a reduced speed limit of 40 km/h.
This high quality infrastructure is possible because the City is considering changing 2nd St from a two-way road to a one-way (Northbound) street. Though drivers may be concerned about the effect of this change, a traffic impact study conducted by the City found that there would not be any significant impacts on traffic. The City has also suggested that both 2nd Street SW and 5th Street SW carry enough cycle traffic such that his project should not impact the potential for 5th Street’s eventual cycle track connection to the Elbow River.
What You Can Do
At this stage, the project is still seeking approval, so your support is crucial! You can get involved in a few ways:
1. Fill out the City’s online engagement by November 16
Show your support and suggest constructive criticisms to help make this project a success.
2. Comment below with your suggestions
Bike Calgary will be submitting a letter to the City and can include your ideas. Suggestions or comments can also be sent to
3. Check out the Bike Calgary volunteer opportunity
Take on a dedicated advocacy role focused on this project. Click here for more details!
Installing the bike lane on the West side of the street means that there are 10 additional road crossing of the bike. That’s nearly double the amount of car/bike interactions. With the increased number of high-rises on the West side is much busier, not to mention the traffic coming and going from 4th street. The East side of the street sees much less traffic crossings (only 13 compared with 23 on the West) and much less traffic.
People drive too fast on one-way streets. They should keep two way and post a 30km/hr speed limits along the entire route. Get everybody to chill out so that the route isn’t used as a thoroughfare in the morning rush.
Having the bike lane on the East side of the street would improve traffic flow at the 26th Ave intersection, as most vehicles turn Northbound onto 2nd Street. Cyclists could cross the street at the proposed 4 way stop as cars turn onto 2nd street without having to yield to a constant stream of cyclists. The same applies if they maintain a two-way street for cars travelling South and turning Westbound onto 26th Ave.
This is the same case at the intersection of 20Ave and 21st Ave . Many cyclists will want to connect with the Elbow River Pathway by turning East near the Repsol Centre. With the pathway on the West side of the street this will involve crossing the oncoming bike lane and the a difficult 2 lane crossing of a one way street. Theres no allowance in the plan for bike boxes or any such turning mechanism.
You must be kidding me. The EXISTING 5TH Street bike lane will be extended to the river, yet they want to make a SECOND bike lane and reduce traffic capabilities of 2nd Street. Their traffic study that you say won’t impact traffic actually demonstrated an increased 13 second wait at 17th Ave. That’s the equivalent of waiting an extra light. That means traffic will back up into the next intersection, causing further delays and frustration.
5th Street is enough for these “all abilities” cyclists, leave 2nd Street for more able cyclists who prefer less lights and ride with traffic. Paint the lines as originally planned and reduce the speed to 40km/h and stop this nonsense. Little tip, “all abilities” cyclists don’t bike in the dead of winter, or 6 months out of the year period.
I kind of agree with you DT, but I’m not sure the City is motivated to extend the 5th Street bike lane. From a cyclists perspective I find 5th south of 17th Ave to be more challenging to ride as it is. Parked cars and not enough room to pass makes it more challenging than 2nd street; you need to take the lane at some points and that’s something that a lot of riders have a hard time with.
While I’d prefer them to install infrastructure on 5th, the feedback from the last round was overwhelmingly in favour of separated bike lanes, you should read it. While I enjoy riding on 2nd street there are a couple of spots (25th Ave, 17 Ave, 11 Ave) that can be problematic for the less confident cyclist. I have a feeling 2nd street is getting the separated bike lane because 5th Street is going to be a bigger fight to remove on street parking for a bike lane.
A couple technical comments with the project as an observer:
(1) How will cyclists make necessary turn movements (i.e. north- or south-bound on 2nd to any of the intersecting avenues) as there are no formal turn facilities indicated?
(2) How will it tie into the established MUP (yes, it is still an MUP as claimed in Complete Streets, even though the City has backed down on it) along the 13th Avenue Greenway?
(3) What will be the impact of switching to one-way on the feel of the streetscape for those living in the area and travelling on foot?
(4) Why are there no enhanced markings through the major avenues (common in Calgary), where cyclists and drivers could also use the awareness/guidance.
Philosophically, I do agree that cycle tracks are the way to go, particularly in winter (the slushy icy bike lane next to heavy traffic experience today wasn’t exactly thrilling).
I’d be interested to know if one-way cycle tracks were considered and whether that would be better for parking and turn movements.