Bike Calgary Advocacy Committee
The Bike Calgary Advocacy Committee wasformed to harness the enthusiasm in the cycling community resulting from Calgary’s Cycling Strategy in 2011. The Committee’s structure was intended to serve as a framework for ongoing dialogue between cyclists and various City departments (Transportation, Parks, Police, etc.), as well as Council, to effect positive change in Calgary’s cycling environment.
The Advocacy Committee has been incorporated into Bike Calgary in the form of a number of Task Forces, the working groups that identify and/or advance the projects undertaken by Bike Calgary. The Task Force Lead(s), by working closely with the Bike Calgary Board of Directors, provides guidance and coordination to volunteers in their Task Force. At present there are six Task Forces:
Promotions & Events
Communications & Social Media
Fundraising & Corporate Engagement
Training & Education
Though each Task Force has specific roles, they all work together to promote cycling in Calgary with the aim of Calgary becoming a world-class cycling city by:
Providing resources for Calgarians who want to cycle
Offering information on the state of cycling in Calgary to cyclists and non-cyclists
Promoting cycling at community events as well as through various forms of media
Providing experience-based feedback to the City to improve our cycling environment
Engaging in projects that complement the City’s efforts to improve cycling
Bike Calgary has also formalized a Community Engagement Program, consisting of Community Representatives, Ward Leads and a City-Wide Coordinator. This program is aimed at providing city-wide representation for Calgary cyclists with the intent of building grass root support for cycling through the initiation of dialogue with Calgary’s 140+ communities, thousands of businesses and other organizations.
As envisioned at the creation of the Advocacy Committee, Bike Calgary continues to endeavor to represent the views of our partner organizations including the Alberta Randonneurs, the Bike Root University of Calgary student cycling organization and bike shop, the Good Life Community Bike Shop, the Elbow Valley Cycling Club, the Sustainable Alberta Association and the Two Wheel Viewyouth cycling charity.
If you are interested in contributing to improving Calgary’s cycling environment, there are five simple ways you can help;
Become a Member! More members means a louder voice for Bike Calgary working toward an improved cycling environment. Becoming a member also subscribes you to our Newsletter, which keeps you up-to-date on happenings in the cycling community, and allows you to vote at our elections, which gives you more say in the priorities of the organization.
Check out the Task Forces. See what they are doing and see if you want to lend us your time and talent. Chances are good that one of these task forces will align with your own interests.
Volunteer in your Community. Community volunteers are the go-to people for local issues in Calgary’s communities (in the sense of neighborhoods, major employers, etc.). Calgary’s big, and we need people who know the ins and outs of Calgary’s communities, have or would like to build connections to Community Associations and councillors (aldermen), and generally be Bike Calgary’s eyes and ears. You can make a change in your community!
- Spread the Word. Follow the #yycbike hashtag on Twitter and Bike Calgary’s website, Facebook page and Twitter account. The more, the merrier! Share this page on Facebook, Tweet it, email it to your friends.
- Contact us. Write to for more information.