11 Street S.W. Functional Planning Study

11 Street S.W. Functional Planning Study

The City of Calgary is undertaking a functional planning study for 11 Street S.W. / CP Rail project area. They've created some options and by dragging across your preferences from the left to the right, and adding your comments to each solution in the questions which follow, this can help the city shape this important rail crossing. You can access the study and input your preferences here: https://engage.calgary.ca/11StreetSWUnderpass Key dates: Monday 14 June 2021 – Monday 5 July 2021 Phase 2 Online Engagement Monday 14 June 2021 06:30 pm – 08:00 pm Phase 2 - Virtual Open House Pictures and information from the City of Calgary's Engage pages.
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Bike Calgary Newsletter: So much bike advocacy in the works!

Bike Calgary Newsletter: So much bike advocacy in the works!

View this email in your browserCalgary Climate Hub:Over the past 18 months, Bike Calgary volunteers have been participating in the Calgary Climate Hub's "Community Climate Conversations", led by Bike Calgary member Jonathan Van Heyst.These events bring together experts in various fields related to climate adaptation and mitigation, including urban planning, renewable energy, permaculture, and of course active/alternative transportation. Each speaker gives a brief presentation on their topic area, followed by breakout rooms where attendees can join in-depth conversations about topics that interest them. Bike Calgary found these events to be a valuable form of community engagement, as we get the chance to learn about community-level issues, missing links, and ideas related to Active Transportation. Mark your calendars! On June 2nd, the COVID-safe digital version of our popular Community Climate Conversation will be going to…
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Detour alert – Ogden Road SE / Bow River Pathway

Detour alert – Ogden Road SE / Bow River Pathway

As part of the ongoing construction at the Bonnybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant, the City's project team will be temporarily closing a section of the Bow River pathway near Ogden Rd SE and setting up a pathway detour from May 25th  until September 3rd.  Details of the closure and detour are outlined below and the detour is also reflected on the interactive pathway map.  The detour will be an asphalt transition and an adaptive roadway with solid barriers will be added to Ogden Road to provide a safe route for users, with a safe ramp back onto the pathway system. Thanks to the City of Calgary Project Engineer for reaching out and for thinking about the detour for all rollers and riders! See the projects website here for an insight into the…
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Earth Rangers launch Pedal for the Planet Calgary Club Mission

Earth Rangers launch Pedal for the Planet Calgary Club Mission

Earth Rangers has launched a Club Mission to Calgary’s kids called Pedal for the Planet Calgary, with help from Bike Calgary. Adapted for a virtual classroom environment, the mission is designed to also be completed with the help of family and friends. The Calgary Pedal for the Planet mission will help students (and parents / teachers!) understand how cycling (and walking) can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Calgary, through education material and when safe to do so, through a week-long bike-a-thon. Resources are available for education and research as well as bike safety tips, checklists for bikes and useful riding tips and tricks. After the mission, the teams will have a chance to provide feedback about what went well, what could be better and also what resources are missing from…
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CMHA’s Energize Don’t Hide 2021

CMHA’s Energize Don’t Hide 2021

Energize Don’t Hide is a way to take care of your physical and mental health, while raising vital funds for CMHA Calgary programs and services. Bike Calgary is proud to again be the Bike Partner for the Energise Don't Hide Calgary event. Each year 1.6 million Canadians report unmet mental health care needs, and the demand for services has escalated due to the pandemic. Everyone has mental health and each of us has a bar which is impacted by our day-to-day activities, work and family pressures, financial pressures and of course more so the pandemic's impacts. Mental health is not a label or stigma and should be treated the same as your physical wellbeing. People who reach out for help take a brave bold step in doing so, and CMHA…
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Calgary’s 14th Annual Bike to Work Day!

Calgary’s 14th Annual Bike to Work Day!

Friday, May 7, 2021 6 am- 9am by Molli Bennett The 14th Annual Bike to Work Day is approaching! Bike to Work Day celebrates cycling as a means of transportation. There is no sign up or registration fee required. This event is a lot of fun and is a great way to celebrate active transportation. The mission of Bike to Work Day Calgary is “to encourage cycling in the city to reduce our carbon footprint and promote a healthy lifestyle for all.” This year will look a bit different because of COVID-19 but we are still excited to participate in the festivities. From 6-9 am on Friday May 7th energy stations will be strategically placed through downtown. Visit the Bike to Work Day website for a map, prize information, and…
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Chinatown detour designs released

Chinatown detour designs released

As mentioned in the CBC article https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/city-of-calgary-construction-pathway-walkability-stakeholders-avenue-1.5983559, the City of Calgary has released the plans for the upgrades to 3rd Ave, which incorporates the Chinatown area. The City notes that the upgrades (being made for people who walk and wheel in the area) include: Improvements at intersections that enhance safety and make it easier to cross the streetThe possible installation of signals (where appropriate) to enhance pedestrian safety and accessibilityWheelchair ramp reconstruction and accessibility improvementsTraffic calming measuresChanges to on-street parking, including curb extensions or concrete islands that will improve the visibility of people at intersectionsCreating angle parking stalls where appropriate on side streets to increase parking capacityCreating dedicated facilities for cycling and other mobility devices such as scooters, in-line skates, and skateboards Why 3 Avenue South? Well according to the…
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Future of 16 Avenue NW – Project Update and Invitation for Virtual Open House

Future of 16 Avenue NW – Project Update and Invitation for Virtual Open House

A RECAP - CURRENT STATUS: Currently the project is in Phase 3: Reveal. During this phase, the City will be presenting the short-, medium- and long-term recommended concepts to Calgarians and asking for input. They will use this input, along with technical expertise to refine the plans. The City has been in contact with stakeholders whose access and properties may be impacted by the medium and long-term concepts. They have collated the feedback received from the initial survey, conducted technical analysis and developed concept options that best met the project’s goals and what they heard from Calgarians. UPCOMING PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT: Starting this April, the City invites you and all Calgarians to review the short-, medium- and long-term recommended plans and give input. You are also invited to attend the virtual open house on…
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Bike fatalities still high despite less vehicle traffic

Bike fatalities still high despite less vehicle traffic

In 2020, Calgary police responded to 199 collisions where cyclists were hit, which is down slightly from 227 in 2019. Now this might look like its an improving statistic, but bearing in mind there is a significant increase in cyclists and less drivers, this remains alarmingly high. Calgary cyclist Kevin Dalton described an incident involving a vehicle in November 2018 where fortunately the outcome wasn't as severe as it potentially could have been: https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-cyclists-speaking-out-after-spike-in-fatal-collisions-1.5382531 According to Statistics Canada, a collision with a motor vehicle made up 73% of fatal cycling events from analysis across the country between 2006 and 2017, with more than half of these being in urban settings. So how do we move the dial on this? Providing infrastructure that's designed with safety in mind and physically segregated…
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Earth Hour – March 27th

Earth Hour – March 27th

Between 8.30pm and 9.30pm on March 27th is Earth Hour in YYC. Now this might not be a prime-time cycling hour there are things that our environmentally friendly activity can do to contribute. So: make a pledge through social media to #EarthHourYYC and #500ClimatePledge to share your pledge message. This will also enter you into a draw of a $500 to spend at local businesses! Use that hour to consider how you travel. Is there a chance to leave the car behind and use public transport and a bike (generally know as trip-chaining) or just roll there on your two wheeled machine! Each time you leave the car behind or use other greener modes of transport, you make a contribution to reducing our impacts on the climate. At the same…
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