On September 20th, Bike Calgary hosted their annual awards & celebration to recognize our great community leaders as well as Bike Calgary’s accomplishments to date. We’d like to give a special shout-out to this year’s award winners:
Commuter of the year: Lindsay Bliek
- Gets the entire family on bikes for daily travel
- Shares her experiences, advice, and opinions through her blog and social media presence
- Connects with other cyclists to encourage and support
School of the Year: Twelve Mile Coulee School (Tuscany)
- Encourages all types of active transport, with high rates of cycling, scooter use, and walking
- Provides safe and secure parking for bikes & scooters
Business of the Year: Bike Bike Inc.
- Provides valuable advice and support for people buying bikes, including many first-time buyers
- Promotes cycling through community engagement, social media presence, and sponsoring events
- Engages with other businesses and community groups to advocate for better cycling options
Advocate of the Year (It’s a tie!): Jeff Gruttz & Peter Oliver
Jeff Gruttz:
- Started plowing snow off the pathways and made the City realize this needed to be a City program
- Integral in building up ridership to the Calgary Folk Fest, including the Bike Lock Up
- Helped start Bike Calgary and served as an early Director
Peter Oliver:
- Driving force behind Calgarians for Cycle Tracks
- Consistent and vocal support for cycling and safer streets in Calgary, in particular the Beltline area
- Received much recognition and publicity which has brought greater visibility to the efforts for safer cycling in Calgary
The evening also included a silent auction and presentations from the City of Calgary and Lime Bikes.