Calgary High Schools can have anywhere between 1,200 and 2,000 students – and generally there are only a handful of bikes parked at school. We want to change that. But first, we need to understand what is stopping or preventing kids from riding.
Distance? Traffic? Lack of a bike? Once we know the answers, we can work with our partners to break down those barriers. We know that riding is healthy for our environment and for students. Physical activity is a natural stress reducer and actually improves marks. “Many of the brain processes that make for better, more efficient learners—such as focus, memory, and recall—are enhanced after single or repeated bouts of physical activity. Overall, active children and youth make for better achieving students.” (ParticipACTION, 2018)
We are calling the project Bike to School Calgary – and are working with Ever Active Schools, Sustainable Calgary, the City of Calgary and others to make it work. It is starting with a Pilot Project at one Calgary Board of Education High School. With success, and funding, we’ll work to roll it out across the city.
How can you help?
We are going to need Bike Calgary Volunteers to help with our route mapping and exploring day – to find any, physical impediments to active transportation. We will also need parent champions at every high school to help us get school administration on board. We know that parents are concerned with traffic around schools, and long, crowded bus rides. Get on board and be our champion at your school!
For more information, contact project lead Laura Shutiak at