Calgary Budget – Call to Action


My name is Hank and I’m a volunteer with Bike Calgary. I use Calgary’s 5A Network almost every day, and I’m so grateful for all of the existing cycling infrastructure in our city. But I know it could still be better.

I care deeply about increasing access to active transportation in our city. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you do too. And I’m guessing that you probably also want to see Calgary’s bike infrastructure continue to grow and improve.

On the week of November 20th, Calgary City Council will be meeting to review and adjust their budget, and will be voting on multiple points that directly impact the future of active transportation in our city. Will you join me in telling Council how vitally important investment in cycling infrastructure is to Calgary’s future? 

The budget adjustment process includes public comment – in other words, the perfect opportunity for us to advocate for the 5A Network. That’s why we’re joining forces with our friends at the Calgary Climate Hub to empower as many individuals as possible to tell Council to continue investing in active transportation. 

When I first learned about this process, getting involved felt like an exciting but also daunting task. But then I learned that the Climate Hub has me covered! On November 16th at 7pm, they will be hosting a ‘Speak at City Hall’ advocacy training for those of us who want to have our voices heard, but would like some support in doing so.

Here’s the link to sign up. Will you join me?  

When we speak up, it really does make a difference. Last year, after the Hub helped mobilize speakers during Budget Week, the city announced an additional $40 million in 5A investment! But there’s more work to be done. The more we can raise our voices in favor of investment in cycling infrastructure, the better our home will become as a result. I hope you’ll join me in doing so. 
Thanks and happy riding,

Thanks for Reading: We appreciate you keeping up with Bike Calgary. You can support our volunteer-powered efforts by sharing this newsletter, making a donation, or signing up to volunteer. Don’t forget to get a Bike Calgary Membership. It’s free, but a small donation gets you some great perks.

As always, happy cycling. 

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