Quick Link: Email: laura@bikecalgary.org
This pilot project aims to break down the barriers that students encounter as they ride, or walk, or wheel, to school.
So, reach out if you need help:
Things we might be able to do for you include:
- Get a bike
- Get the gear you need – we have everything from bells and helmets, to book bags.
- Find the best route from your home
- Help find fixes to bad signs, pathways that end, and obstacles that you encounter on your ride.
- We will be working to improve trails and infrastructure. So if you see something that needs to be fixed, let us know.
- Be a Bike Ambassador, and help your fellow students ride. Learn advocacy, leadership and get involved.
Contact laura@bikecalgary.org, text Laura at 403-472-7715 or find us on instagram at @bikecalgary