Future of 16 Avenue NW – Project Update and Invitation for Virtual Open House


Currently the project is in Phase 3: Reveal. During this phase, the City will be presenting the short-, medium- and long-term recommended concepts to Calgarians and asking for input. They will use this input, along with technical expertise to refine the plans. The City has been in contact with stakeholders whose access and properties may be impacted by the medium and long-term concepts. They have collated the feedback received from the initial survey, conducted technical analysis and developed concept options that best met the project’s goals and what they heard from Calgarians.


Starting this April, the City invites you and all Calgarians to review the short-, medium- and long-term recommended plans and give input.

You are also invited to attend the virtual open house on Saturday, April 17 at 10 a.m. You can register for the event at calgary.ca/16avenuenw starting Saturday, April 10. (see KEY DATES on the right hand side).


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