Mobility connections can be achieved through a 5A Network “Phase 1”

What if we had an alternate affordable option for transportation that meant we could leave our cars at home?

What if people of all abilities could access our pathway systems and it was interconnected to and within communities and allowed our children to use them to get to school safely?

Suburban, New and Downtown Communities linked up to each other and to our transportation network?

#sharedstreets is seeking support to enable Calgary to access federal funding to help us achieve some of this. The City has already been thinking ahead with the 5A network plan, but as we know, this detailed long term plan doesn’t cater for the short term demands and needs.

Councilor Jyoti Gondek explained today on CBC news how this issue impacts parts of the Ward 3 Community:

There are many more examples of issues seen in this article that are present in each Community across Calgary. #Sharedstreets and the 5 Network Phase 1 would enable the City of Calgary to access funding from the federal government, as described in the throne speech, creating jobs, providing affordable methods of transportation, attract investment to the region by demonstrating our progressive thinking towards investment in carbon neutral transportation as well as contributing to our net-zero target.

Delivered through a single set of design standards, federal funding directly funded to the municipalities would have a significant impact to our mobility options throughout Calgary.

Our ability to ride to school would be a primary beneficiary to an interconnected network

The throne speech also noted:

This pandemic has reminded Canadians of the importance of nature. The Government will work with municipalities as part of a new commitment to expand urban parks, so that everyone has access to green space.

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