It’s that time of year again! Calgary will be participating in our third official year of the Vélo Canada Bikes Pedal Poll / Sondo Vélo happening between June 4th – June 9th and we need your help to count. The sites have been chosen and dates will be Tuesday, June 4th and Saturday, June 8th but may shift to another day in the week based on weather and smoke conditions. If you have flex days or are looking for a way to help the biking community and participate as a citizen scientist, sign up now! As a focus community, we will be coordinating a “snap shot” across the city in multiple locations, with counters at each location throughout the day.
The following shifts are available for selection at our chosen locations :
- Weekday morning: 7-9 am
- Weekday lunch: 11-1 pm
- Weekday mid-afternoon: 2-4pm
- Weekday late afternoon 4-6pm
- Weekend Lunch : 12-2
While you wait for the count you can learn how the data is being used, and even see the results from the counts in 2022 and 2023 from Calgary and across the country.