Provide feedback on Calgary’s cycling infrastructure

One of the challenges that cities face in planning and developing cycling infrastructure is knowing about current best practices, what other cities are spending on infrastructure, and what sort of increase in cycling can be expected for certain investments. To help provide this sort of information to city planners, Places For Bikes is gathering information about what is being done in various cities and how cyclists respond to those improvements and ranking participating cities. Places For Bikes gathers different types of information (e.g. amount of different types of infrastructure in each city, official mode share surveys in each city), and one type of information they want is feedback from cyclists across North America (“Community Survey”).

Please take a few minutes to complete the Place For Bikes Community Survey. You will be asked for your city and your feedback on your satisfaction with cycling infrastructure. This is important information and will be used to help plan and develop even more infrastructure. Your participation is very helpful!

This PDF file (PlacesForBikes City Ratings 07 26 18) provides some information about how Places For Bikes gathers and uses the information.

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