Calgary City Council will again be hearing from citizens at a public hearing meeting of council as to whether speed limits should be reduced on residential streets. This will be done by changing the “default” speed limit in the city from the current 50 km/h. Higher-speed roads would have speed limit signs clarifying any differences from the default speed limit.
This is what Council’s current thinking is
Want to support or encourage council in this proposed change? If so, this is what can you do;
1. Sign up to speak at the public hearing by emailing and indicating that you would like to speak to the speed limits item. We recommend speaking to your own personal experience, and what matters to you. There is now an option to call in to the meeting so you don’t have to attend in person and wait around for the item. NOTE: The November 2 council agenda has a lot of possibly controversial items, so it is possible that this item may be pushed to Monday evening or Tuesday. You can view a live stream of the video on or follow the #yyccc hashtag on Twitter to see how the meeting is progressing
2. Although the deadline for public submissions to be included in the agenda has passed, you can still email your councillor expressing your opinion on the item. For better or for worse, many members of council are plugged into their emails and social media during the council meetings.
Is there a petition or somewhere we can add our signature as support?
Not that we are aware of Diane. I suggest you email your councilor and advise them of your opinion. The link to do that is