Partner Organizations

  • Bike Calgary is partnering with Pedal & Sea Adventures on our Bike and Boat fundraising raffle offering the chance to win a trip to Croatia in Spring 2025. For info and tickets click here.
  • Check out the Elbow Valley Cycling Club if you’d like to go for recreational bike rides in and around Calgary or multi-day tours elsewhere in BC, AB, North America and Europe
  • Cyclepalooza is a community-driven do-it-yourself bicycle festival held for ten days every June or July in Calgary. Cyclepalooza also facilitates a year-round calendar to centralize or promote cycling events happening in the city. Feel free to add your own.
  • Two Wheel View is Calgary-based charity providing bicycle education and expedition programs to young people.
  • The Bike Root is a student-run community bike shop at the University of Calgary serving the city’s northwest.
  • Every June, there is a Calgary Commuter Challenge–a great way to explore alternative commuting options like cycling to work.
  • Open Streets Calgary partners with local festivals to promote active transportation through participatory activities
  • Do you want a helmet but can’t afford one? The Prohab Helmet Society offers bike helmets by donation.
  • The Alberta Bike Swap runs one-day bike swaps in Calgary, Edmonton, and Lethbridge.
  • The Calgary Mountain Bike Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and improving multi-use non-paved trails in and around Calgary.
  • The Alberta Bicycle Association is the provincial sport cycling organization, and is affiliated with many local clubs.
  • Safer Cycling Calgary offers a range of course for the beginner to advanced rider.
  • Project Bike Racks is a Calgary-based organization designing functional public art offering cyclists safe bike parking. In other words, they make really cool bike racks.

Bike Calgary would like to acknowledge several businesses that go out of their way to support cycling safety and cycle commuting.

  • Lafarge – hosted a cycling safety event demonstrating cement truck blind spots and the additions to their trucks to help protect cyclists (check out the orange bars installed between the front and rear wheels).
  • Brookfield Properties does a great job of offering secure bicycle parking in most of its buildings.
  • If your building doesn’t have secure bicycle parking for its tenants, talk to your building owner or landlord. Many are interested in offering this value-added service, but may not be sure if it would be used. Also advocate for a showering facility in one of the washrooms and also a place to leave your clothes to dry.