Volunteer Opportunity – Bike Calgary Newsletter

UPDATE – These volunteer roles have been filled, but we are often looking for help. Please check the website periodically for new postings! Thanks for your interest in helping making Calgary a better city for active transport and cycling.

Every 2 to 3 months, Bike Calgary issues a newsletter written and edited by our volunteers. We are looking for two new writers for the newsletter. Content comes from the Board, the Infrastructure Task Group, our Ward Leads, and Events Coordinator. The newsletter volunteers just have to put some nice words around the topics, format it, and send it to the Board for approval. Here is an example of our Spring 2018 newsletter. This is a great way to find out more about cycling in your city.

What is your time commitment?

  • These two roles start immediately.
  • Approximately 6 hours for each newsletter (split between the two roles), every 2 to 3 months.
  • These are ongoing roles – as long are you are still enjoying the volunteer work, we welcome your help.

What would you need to do?

  • Gather content suggestions between newsletters; suggestions come from the various Bike Calgary committees, task groups, and volunteers – we usually aim for about 3 to 5 topics in each newsletter.
  • Write a brief paragraph about the topic (sometimes it comes in paragraph format, so just a little editing is all that’s required), and add a link for more information.
  • Find a photo or logo (people like pictures).
  • Put it together in a draft file, and submit it to the Board for approval and to be sent out.

How would Bike Calgary support you?

  • You will have an initial meeting with a Board liaison to go through the steps and processes, and you can work with an experienced volunteer for the first newsletter.
  • We would like two newsletter writers/editors so they can share the work and cover any absences, so you’ll have ongoing help from both the other volunteer and your Board liaison.
  • All content will be provided by Bike Calgary experienced volunteers, although we are happy to have you contribute your own ideas.
  • This is a great opportunity to gain new skills and experience, and Bike Calgary is happy to write a volunteer reference letter so you can use these skills to help in your career development.

Contact Bike Calgary’s Volunteer Coordinator to volunteer for this newsletter writer role or to learn more about the position.

One thought on “Volunteer Opportunity – Bike Calgary Newsletter

  • Gary Millard

    Thanks for the several inquiries about this volunteer role! We are happy to have so many interested, active members in Bike Calgary. We have filled the two roles for newsletter editors, but we are also looking for people to help with other media such as website posts, tweets, and Facebook posts, and to find and share cycling related events on the Events calendar on this website. Feel free to contact volunteer@bikecalgary.org if you are interested in any of these tasks.

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