Want 5 minutes of fame?

Attention Bike Calgary members and YYC cyclists. Are you ready for your 5 minutes of fame?

The City of Calgary is coordinating a video and photo shoot for the Eau Claire improvement program on Wednesday, September 23 from 10 am to 12 pm. They are looking for our help to have cyclists of all descriptions to participate to help show the importance of  separated speeds for people travelling through the Eau Claire area.

It would be great to see cargo bikes and adapted bikes there, along with commute and recreational bikes too, if you can spare the time.

Bike Calgary members have participated in previous shoots for the City and the comments were, “that it was a fun and worthwhile experience”. You will also get a chance to meet some of the key decision makers for cycling at City Hall.

If you have any interest and for further information please contact:

Natalie Coombes

Communications Planner, Transportation Infrastructure
Customer Service & Communications

The City of Calgary
C 403.818.9596 | E natalie.coombes@calgary.ca

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