Bike Calgary’s letter to the City re: 2019-2022 Budget

Bike Calgary’s letter to the City re: 2019-2022 Budget

Advocacy, Infrastructure
Bike Calgary has just submitted its letter to the City of Calgary in regards to budget deliberations. The new budget includes amounts for Complete Streets and Main Streets, which both include considerations for cycling infrastructure. The budget is not specific as to the amount of those bigger buckets that will go specifically to cycling, so we wanted to make sure our Councillors and Mayor understood the value of improved cycling infrastructure in the city, and encourage them to specify amounts to support this. Click here to see the copy of our letter. And it's not too late for you to contact your Councillor to remind them of the importance of supporting cycling and providing adequate funding!
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Update: Calgary Budget 2019-2022

Update: Calgary Budget 2019-2022

Last month we told you about the City's upcoming budget decisions. Time has flown, and the decisions are almost upon us. We have a refresher, an update with new information, and a renewed call to action. Refresher Council is about to set the budget for the next four years, and now is everyone's chance to be heard. The main programs affecting biking in Calgary are Community Mobility and Missing Pathway Links. There have been a few opportunities to provide input on the budget, and now the remaining ones are to email councillors directly and to present to Council on November 26. New Information Since our last post, the City has published its proposed budget. Of course, the budget for a city the size of Calgary is a complicated beast, but here's…
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Help Calgary Climate Hub, while they help Bike Calgary

Help Calgary Climate Hub, while they help Bike Calgary

Check out “Calgary Climate Hub” - a group that has formed to advocate that the City take action on climate change.  One of their positions it to support infrastructure for active transport, including cycling. They have some great suggestions for letting the City know that you want the current budget deliberations to consider climate change actions and cycling infrastructure. Take a look at their website ( and consider getting engaged in their work - signing the petition and writing your Councillor. They have some excellent messaging around climate change action, both mitigation and adaptation, and they are supportive of other community-led efforts that will support and reinforce each other, such as Bike Calgary’s work around improving cycling infrastructure and active transportation options. Here is a list of actions they have…
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2nd St SW Complete Street Engagement Opportunities

2nd St SW Complete Street Engagement Opportunities

Advocacy, Infrastructure
The City of Calgary is seeking feedback on a proposed complete street (including cycle track!) along 2nd St SW through Mission and the Beltline. Now is the time to get involved and let the City know what you think! The Project Initially, the City had planned a painted bike lane along 2nd St, but thanks to feedback received, the City went back to the drawing board and created this updated plan for a physically separated cycle track on 2nd St all the way from the Elbow River to 10th Ave SW. This change in design means the project will create a critical All Ages & Abilities cycling link through this important area. The plan includes a poured concrete barrier, dashed green pavement at potential conflict zones, bicycle signals at signalized…
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Calgary Budget 2019-2022: Make Your Voice Heard

Calgary Budget 2019-2022: Make Your Voice Heard

Every four years the City of Calgary updates its budget. This fall, they are setting the budget for 2019-2022. We want this budget to reflect our needs. Here's what you need to know. Background The City's budget, called One Calgary, is split into service lines. Each service line contains several programs. Many programs will affect biking in Calgary, but the main one is Community Mobility. Community Mobility includes biking, walking, and local traffic safety. To complicate matters, Community Mobility is shared between two service lines: Sidewalks & Pathways and Streets. The budget recommendations will be presented to Council on November 14. On November 22, they will also receive a package of citizens' feedback. What is being proposed? City staff have been working for several months compiling their budgets, program by…
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Primer on Avenues to Effect Change in #YYCbike – Guest Blog Post

Primer on Avenues to Effect Change in #YYCbike – Guest Blog Post

Advocacy, Education
This post has been kindly shared by Lindsay, from I spent the last couple of evenings getting my feet wet in our local bike activism community, first by attending my first Bike Calgary infrastructure group and then board meeting, followed by a talk on gender and cycling at the Women’s Centre the next night. If there is one thing that I gleaned from it all is that cyclists still only represent 1.8% of mode share in Calgary but that as we implement more infrastructure, that number grows. And, I was taught how to have my voice heard as best possible in order to help get the infrastructure we need. There are several reasons why I want my voice heard and two of the key reasons are: women and children. I want to see an…
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BOW RIVER PATHWAY CLOSURES – 14th Street NW to 29th Street NW

BOW RIVER PATHWAY CLOSURES – 14th Street NW to 29th Street NW

Advocacy, Infrastructure
The closure of the north side Bow River Pathway between 14th Street and 29th Street NW has caught many people off-guard and, due to the suddenness of the closure and the lack of clear detour signage, has caused understandable frustration. Bike Calgary recognizes that the Bow River Pathway is arguably one of the most popular active travel and recreation corridors for Calgarians, particularly for Calgarians looking to travel efficiently and comfortably by bike between the northwest and downtown. People of all ages and all experience levels depend upon it to get them around safely. As such, we have been in communication with City staff, advocating for a detour that preserves and similar level of active mode connectivity as the pathway, that is easy to follow, safe and comfortable, and…
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