Purchasing a used bike? Here are some safety tips

Purchasing a used bike? Here are some safety tips

Buying a used bike? You are part of the solution in reducing bike theft. Tips on how to purchase a used bike 1- If the price seems too good, its probably is.2- Use your local community non-for-profits like Two Wheel View (https://www.twowheelview.org/buy-a-bike) in Calgary, or Facebook Market place, a FB bike verified cycle buy and sell group, and Kijiji to search for bikes. Facebook allows you to view the seller's profile and get an idea about how legit the deal could be.3- Do not go to meet the seller alone, always take a friend and be aware of your surroundings when you show up.4- If your taking cash, leave your money in the car until you decide you want to purchase the bike. This can reduce the risk of being robbed…
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Selling a Bike? Here’s some safety tips

Selling a Bike? Here’s some safety tips

With the weather warming up, here are some tips on how to list and sell your bike safely Listing your bike for sale1- Use sites like Facebook Marketplace as you can get an idea of who's looking at your bike through viewing their profile and friends. Kijiji is OK but you can set up a fake account in minutes. Avoid sites like LETGO buy and sell as it is full of undesirable buyers and sellers.2- Use a FB Verified Cycle Buy and Sell group as they screen their members and can and will verify the serial number is not reported stolen at the time of sale with numerous databases.3- Set your location to approximate on your ads, or use a random postal code so potential buyers can not find your…
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Keeping Your Bike Safe – tips for locking and securing your bike

Keeping Your Bike Safe – tips for locking and securing your bike

Lock it Right Bike security is made up of a simple equation:  (Apparent Ease of Taking) + (Value Possible) = (Incentive to Try) If a bike looks easy to take, it probably is. Slip the lock up and over a pole? Easy. Tiny cable lock? Just use cable cutters.  If a bike looks like it is a quick $100+ sale (regardless of the actual value of the bike), it’s a reason to grab it and sell it quick to anyone online.  Make it easy, and make it look valuable, and you’ll find thieves are highly incentivized to try to take the bike.  On the other hand, if you make it look hard, and if you make it look less desirable, you’ll see few, if any, attempts to steal your wheels.…
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New dates added for Commuter Cycling Skills course

New dates added for Commuter Cycling Skills course

Bike Calgary has announced some new dates for the Commuter Cycling Skills course! Saturday, June 29 Saturday, July 20 Saturday, July 27 Note that some online pre-work is required, so please ensure you register a few days before the course date. Registration will close prior to the date of the course. All courses are being held at CommunityWise in the Beltline (223 - 12 Ave SW). Please contact training@bikecalgary.org for more information.
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Bike Calgary featured in Impact Magazine article on cycle commuting

Bike Calgary featured in Impact Magazine article on cycle commuting

Our own President of Bike Calgary put together a brief article about trying cycle commuting. Feel free to share this information with someone who might be interested in giving it a try! We all know people who look at us regular cycle commuters and think it might be something to try, but it seems to be the realm of people who have been doing it for years. Let’s share how easy and normal it is to ride your bike to work - millions of people do it around the world. http://impactmagazine.ca/fitness/get-active/cycle-commuting/
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Commuter Cycling Skills courses scheduled for June!!!

Commuter Cycling Skills courses scheduled for June!!!

We now have two dates scheduled for our Commuter Cycling Skills course - Saturday, June 1st and Saturday, June 15th. Book online - https://bikecalgary.org/resources/skills-program/ Courses are $80 and include a valuable Friends of Bike Calgary membership (provides discounts at partner bike shops and businesses). Course fee reductions are available if required.
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Primer on Avenues to Effect Change in #YYCbike – Guest Blog Post

Primer on Avenues to Effect Change in #YYCbike – Guest Blog Post

Advocacy, Education
This post has been kindly shared by Lindsay, from https://thismombikes.net/avenues-to-effect-change-in-yycbike/ I spent the last couple of evenings getting my feet wet in our local bike activism community, first by attending my first Bike Calgary infrastructure group and then board meeting, followed by a talk on gender and cycling at the Women’s Centre the next night. If there is one thing that I gleaned from it all is that cyclists still only represent 1.8% of mode share in Calgary but that as we implement more infrastructure, that number grows. And, I was taught how to have my voice heard as best possible in order to help get the infrastructure we need. There are several reasons why I want my voice heard and two of the key reasons are: women and children. I want to see an…
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