2023 AGM Summary

“Some of our members didn’t realize just how busy and impactful we’ve been.” – Doug Clark, incoming Bike Calgary President Attendees at the 2023 Bike Calgary Annual General Meeting in November were impressed at how much had been accomplished in the past year, and were given a look at the organization’s longer-term strategy. Bike Calgary shared some highlights of 2023, which included: Ward Rides with seven different Calgary city councillors. We use these mobile meetings to celebrate successes and point out areas for improvement with councillors in their local wards. Successful events, like Winter Bike Day and a screening of the documentary The Engine Inside (co-hosted with the Downtown Core Community Association), which brought people together and raised our profile in the community. Advocacy efforts to save the 3rd Ave…
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Calgary Budget – Call to Action

Advocacy, Community, Infrastructure, Uncategorized
Hi, My name is Hank and I’m a volunteer with Bike Calgary. I use Calgary’s 5A Network almost every day, and I’m so grateful for all of the existing cycling infrastructure in our city. But I know it could still be better.I care deeply about increasing access to active transportation in our city. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you do too. And I’m guessing that you probably also want to see Calgary’s bike infrastructure continue to grow and improve.On the week of November 20th, Calgary City Council will be meeting to review and adjust their budget, and will be voting on multiple points that directly impact the future of active transportation in our city. Will you join me in telling Council how vitally important investment in cycling infrastructure is to Calgary’s future? The…
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Help guide the future of cycling in Calgary by joining the Bike Calgary Board of Directors

Bike Calgary is currently seeking nominations from those interested in joining our Board of Directors.  Our mission is to make Calgary a great place for all cyclists – present and future – through advocacy, education and community. So if you are interested in helping guide the direction of Bike Calgary, having your voice heard and making a difference for our cycling community, this is your chance! The Bike Calgary Board of Directors is a dedicated working board that meets regularly both in-person and virtually, in addition to participating in local events. Previous board experience is not required but is appreciated, and previous volunteer experience with Bike Calgary is considered an asset.  We are working to reduce barriers to participation in active transportation, in advocacy and within our organizational structure. We…
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Upcoming Changes – 12 Ave Cycle Track

Upcoming Changes – 12 Ave Cycle Track

Bike Calgary recently learned that another block of the 12 Ave cycle track will be closed as part of Green Line LRT construction. Please see the below update from the Green Line Team. We'll be in touch with the project team about any concerns with the operations of this detour, so please pass on any feedback or issues. At the same time, we are advocating for a robust, longer term, regional detour or redundant route, such as 1 Street SE or MacLeod Trail, so that people walking and wheeling have another north-south route during this long-term construction project.
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Help Save The 3rd Ave Mobility Lanes!

Did you know that the 3rd Avenue mobility lanes might be removed this fall? Bike Calgary is seeking a network of volunteers to help us bring awareness of how important this connection is within our downtown. Do you have a few hours to spare this summer? Join us in the fight to save the 3rd Ave SW Mobility lanes.  Join our efforts! We will distribute a kit to each volunteer that includes :  A Bike Calgary Tee shirt Postcards to be filled out or taken away by riders on the route - these postcards will be sent to city council demanding that they keep this infrastructure in place.  Large poster to be placed ahead of your chosen location List of talking points and training  Your mission, should you choose to…
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12 Ave Cycle Track Closure

12 Ave Cycle Track Closure

Bike Calgary has just received an update from the Green Line team working on downtown utility relocations. From July 24 until mid-late August 2023, the 12 Ave cycle track and two vehicle lanes will be closed between Centre Street and 1 Street SE for ATCO gas relocations. The city project team advises people on bikes to dismount and walk on the sidewalk for this block. Please visit calgary.ca/greenline for more information.
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May newsletter

The Bike Calgary May newsletter is out featuring some of the latest cycling news from across the city, and some tips as you get out biking more this spring and summer. This month's newsletter includes an Advocacy update, Community events, Volunteer opportunities and Safety tips. Click here to read the full newsletter.
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Winter Bike Day 2023

Winter Bike Day 2023

Winter Bike Day 2023 The weather was gorgeous and the pathways were busy on Saturday, February 11. Dozens of Calgarians participated in our Winter Bike Day events, visiting Hot Spots around the city for snacks, prizes, and a look at what the local cycling community has to offer year-round.At BikeBike in Inglewood, participants got water bottles and homemade cookies. Two Wheel View had a lineup out the door. Bike And Brew in Bridgeland handed out coffee and cookies at their in-store cafe. Ridley’s Cycle had locations to visit in both Kensington and Westhills. Bike Root at the University of Calgary showed off their workspace that members can access for a low annual fee. Finally, volunteers from Bike Calgary, Youth en Route, and Alberta Bike Swap stood outside Central Library to…
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Winter Bike Day

Community, Events, Uncategorized
International Winter Bike (to Work) Day is back, and has a whole new look and feel for 2023! Because bikes aren't just for work, Bike Calgary is holding our event on Saturday, February 11th in conjunction with the global Ride Together Day. Instead of our traditional breakfast, we are encouraging all Calgarians to get out and bike to multiple locations. Our partners from previous events are still involved, but in most cases, you will be going to visit them, with goodies along the way and lots of prizes up for grabs. How it Works: "Hot Spots" and Prizes There are seven Hot Spots around the city. You are encouraged to visit one or more of these locations - we have a few suggested route maps below. Each Hot Spot has…
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New Infrastructure and Federal Funding: 34 Ave SE in Dover

New Infrastructure and Federal Funding: 34 Ave SE in Dover

Following up from our 2022 Infrastructure Year In Review blog post, we wanted to highlight another 5A network project that is nearing completion in the Southeast Calgary community of Dover. 34 Avenue is an east-west connecting road between 36 Street and 26 Street SE. Further west from 26 Street, it crosses Deerfoot Trail as Gosling Way to access an off-leash dog park and the Inglewood Golf and Curling Club. The previous 4-lane roadway with a large centre median was found to be overbuilt for the amount of drivers that used it.  Previous northern (westbound lanes of 34 Street SE). Image from Google Street view: Through the City of Calgary’s Neighbourhood Streets program, this corridor was identified for reconstruction to add more space for walking and wheeling, as well as naturalization…
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